Advanced Preclinical Services
Xenopat offers the most innovative tools available to progress the development of new oncological drugs. Xenopat offers researchers and drug development companies the OrthoXenoBank®, which is composed of several orthoxenografts® – orthotopic models of different tumor types – including among others colorectal, lung, breast, ovarian, testicular and pancreatic tumors.
Orthoxenografts® are characterized at histological and genetic levels, with different sensitivities to diverse chemotherapies. The Advanced Preclinical Services of Xenopat provide a strategic partnership through the entire oncological drug development process: from the basic preclinical steps, through to commercialization. Xenopat’s Advanced Preclinical Services are a useful tool to make informed decisions both in preclinical phases and in clinical trial phases, including in post-commercialization stages.

- Generation of customized cell lines (GFP, shRNA,etc.)
- Maximum Tolerated Dose determination. Body Weight Autopsy. Histopathological analysis of toxicity.
- Best dosage schedule study.
- Identification of optimal drug combinations.
- Drug response evaluation using the same clinicopathological standards applied to human tumors.
- Evaluation of tumor appearance, growth rate and metastatic potential with or without treatment.
- Expression levels of relevant genes.
- Genetic and epigenetic studies of relevant genes.
- Identification/analysis of subrogate response makers.
- Identification of drug target/mechanism of action in several biological systems.
- Generation of customized orthoxenografts®
- Best response tumor subpopulation characterization.
- Drug combinations.
- Co-clinical paired trial in human and mice.
- Identification/analysis of subrogate response markers in co-clinical trials.
- Drug repositioning.
- Acquired resistance to new drugs studies.
Find Out More
Orthoxenografts® are experimental mouse models in which a small piece of human tumor is implanted (implantation from one species to another; xenograft) in the same organ of origin (orthotopically).
The OrthoXenoBank® is the collection of orthoxenografts® that Xenopat can offer to its customers.
Relevant scientific publications regarding orthoxenografts®.Xenopat offers the most innovative tools available to progress the development of new oncological drugs. Xenopat offers researchers and drug development companies the OrthoXenoBank®, which is composed of several orthoxenografts® – orthotopic models of different tumor types – including among others colorectal, lung, breast, ovarian, testicular and pancreatic tumors.
Orthoxenografts® are characterized at histological and genetic levels, with different sensitivities to diverse chemotherapies. The Advanced Preclinical Services of Xenopat provide a strategic partnership through the entire oncological drug development process: from the basic preclinical steps, through to commercialization. Xenopat’s Advanced Preclinical Services are a useful tool to make informed decisions both in preclinical phases and in clinical trial phases, including in post-commercialization stages.